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What is TESAM?

Founded in the early 2000s and officially established in 2011, the TESAM Center for Economic, Political, and Strategic Research aims to assist Turkey in achieving its strategic objectives. TESAM has undertaken the mission of producing the projects and ideas necessary to strengthen our country’s future position and ensure that it reaches the reputation it deserves globally. Since its founding, TESAM has consistently upheld the principle of independence, conducting its work with a completely objective and scientific approach, free from the influence of any political party or ideology. In this context, TESAM consistently develops innovative and solution-oriented projects to contribute to Turkey’s development as a true “non-governmental organization.”

TESAM attracts attention due to its extensive range of study fields. TESAM conducts in-depth research in fields such as economy, law, domestic politics, foreign policy, history, education, and sociology and categorizes these studies under two main headings. The first of these is to serve as a think tank for academic solutions to Turkey’s problems. The second goal is to train the future academics.
To date, TESAM has carried out many strategic studies on important issues in Turkey and contributed to the shaping of national policies by sharing these studies with relevant public institutions. For instance, TESAM submitted the 2011 Full Text Constitution Study to the Constitutional Commission of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, which significantly influenced Turkey’s constitutional order. TESAM has also prepared many important studies, such as the Education Report, Higher Education Report, Vocational Education Report, Local Governments Report, Energy Report, Electoral System Report, Political Parties Report, China Report, and Salafism Report.

TESAM’s activities are not limited to preparing reports. The organization also organizes panels, congresses, and conferences on current and future issues that will be on Turkey’s agenda, laying the groundwork for scientific discussions in these areas. TESAM organizes several important congresses, including “Violence and Terror in the Middle East,” “TESAM International Social Sciences Congress,” and “Where is Turkey Going?” Quo Vadis Turkey?” international congresses. Such events are of enormous importance in terms of developing solutions to Turkey’s national and international issues.

TESAM also draws attention with its scientific studies and academic contributions. The scientific academic journal TESAM ACADEMY REFEREED JOURNAL, which is published twice a year, is scanned in many local and foreign indexes and makes important contributions to the world of science. The journal’s inclusion in the ULAKBIM Index of TÜBİTAK increases TESAM’s scientific reputation and reinforces its international recognition. TESAM has also achieved a significant success in the international arena by ranking in the top 100 worldwide in the “Global Go To Think Tank Index Report,” published regularly every year by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP). According to the most recently published 2020 report, TESAM was ranked as the 69th most influential think tank in the list of Regional Think-Tanks and the 91st most influential think tank in the field of Defense and National Security among 8248 think tanks worldwide.

TESAM started its publishing activities in 2016 and has contributed to both local and international literature by publishing multiple and single-author books with academicians who are experts in their fields. TESAM Publicationshas been continuing its publishing activities as an international publishing house since 2023.

TESAM’s second field of work is to train the academics of the future. In this context, TESAM contributes to the scientific careers of young academician candidates with activities such as Academy Schools, summer and winter schools, research study trips, field research, internship programs, and student workshops. TESAM aims to support master’s and doctoral students’ academic preparation and equip them with the necessary skills to continue their scientific studies. TESAM also contributes to the educational expenses of these young academics, enabling them to stay in Turkey and continue their academic careers.

All of these activities are carried out by TESAM within Lider Sancak Academy. Lider Sancak Academy, as an organization aiming to conduct pioneering research in the field of social sciences, includes TESAM, İLSAM and TEKNOMER institutes. Lider Sancak Academy aims to develop solution-oriented approaches to Turkey’s chronic problems, strengthen the country’s internal dynamics, and enable it to play an effective role in the international arena. The Academy contributes to the shaping of Turkey’s future policies by providing detailed reports and road maps to achieve these goals.

Lider Sancak Academy is also an educational institution that aims to train professionals specialized in social sciences, theology, technology, and engineering. To this end, it provides students with extensive research experience through master’s and doctoral programs and equips them with critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to generate innovative solutions. The Academy continues to work diligently to train Turkey’s future leaders and experts.

TESAM is part of a comprehensive vision that aims to increase Turkey’s academic and strategic power. This structure not only contributes to TESAM’s growth as a nationally and internationally respected think tank but also reinforces the mission of Lider Sancak Academy to train Turkey’s future leaders in line with its goals.

From the Chairman

TESAM’s aim is to bring solutions and alternatives to the existing problems of our country, to present various ideas and suggestions through the reports and roadmaps that it prepared for providing to be able to made new initiatives in our county, in this way to open up horizon of the people who govern our country and to prepare the necessary theoretical and intellectual ground for them. At the same time, it aims to lay the foundations of future’s Turkey by means of qualified people it trained.  In 2019 as well, TESAM has continued its studies that it has carried on devotedly and fastidiously since its establishment.

As the Center for Economic, Political and Strategic Research, TESAM had a very productive year. 2019 was a year of breakthrough for TESAM. During this period, the organization is living its pride and happiness by carrying out the planned and targeted works.

In 2019, it successfully carried out all its activities by adding new studies in addition to the works on the main axis in previous years.

TESAM will continue to carry out social, communal, and economic studies on the way it aims that will shed light on Turkey’s present and future and provide valuable contributions. It will fulfil its duties and responsibilities by adding new activities in its works and raising new and young minds for the bright future of our country each year. Undoubtedly, contributing to the brain power of our country and making our country a center of attraction opposed to the brain drain to abroad, is an honourable and demanding task. History will always remember those who act with this task awareness. While Turkey is preparing for the future by growing stronger, science and technology will be our most powerful triumph.

Dr. İlyas Bozkurt

From The Head of High Advisory Committee

The success of the TESAM community, which I attended four or five years ago, in doing meticulous and impartial scientific studies and delivering studies to the youth of Bursa, tied me to them. TESAM, especially the President, has expanded its efforts to Istanbul, to contribute to the well-being of our country’s youth without making concessions from the social and cultural structure of Turkishness, led by reason and science. Another point that affected me was that the officers worked devotedly without demanding any financial contribution. They brought the latest studies to our youth, in economy, law and international relations. I also took part in some of these studies and transferred the latest developments in the international arena to our youth.

In addition to the educational efforts of the state, transferring contemporary developments to the society with think tanks is an important issue for the education of our society and for the integrity of the country. I guess that other private think tanks will follow the example of TESAM. In addition to economic, legal and international developments, I hope that we will focus on the latest evelopments in the world and discuss topics such as bio-security, medical developments, contributions and effects of technological developments to the society. Our unity, integrity and purpose is aimed at creating a well-trained and competent youth of our homeland.  I embrace all contributors and young people, especially the president, with respect and love.

Hasan Köni
